If you managed to slog your way into the 2014 farm Progress Show this year you were in for a treat. Although Mother Nature decided to test our resolve and tenacity, she picked on the wrong group. Farmers aren’t scared of a little mud and dirt.
This year’s show marked a first for DISTek. We had our ISOBUS solution running at two different booths! While we have software in electronics here and there throughout most shows, it’s nice to see our final product on display.
OK, enough with the self-promotion, now let’s get down to brass tacks. This year’s show was one of the best I’ve been to, and I go to most farm shows out there throughout the year. The addition of the paved thoroughfares and the expanded venue were just the beginning. The management of the show seemed ready for the high volume of traffic and all of the things August in Iowa can throw at you.
Any outdoor event is fair game for inclement weather. The event staff at this show was faced with many challenges. Driving and parking in a field can be dicey anytime, but after an inch of rain it’s downright sloppy. The event staff handled this issue professionally and as far as I could tell in stride.
In addition, can you imagine having to be the person who makes the call on whether or not to pull the plug on the show due to weather conditions that last day? I mean you are standing there weighing the consequences either way on the decision. If you cancel the show you run the risk of angering you exhibitors who have invested hard earned money in your show. If you keep the show going and there are weather related injuries, you will be judged harshly and may face legal action.
I for one, applaud the show management for the decision they made. It could not have been an easy choice, but putting the wellbeing of their exhibitors and attendees ahead of financial considerations shows a lot of class and good judgment.
Well done Farm Progress Show team.