Once again, the AEF put on another successful ISOBUS Plugfest last month. Approximately 130 individuals associated with electronics for Ag equipment spent the week of May 8th at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln, NE. The key attraction is the Plugfest itself, during which nearly 1000 combinations of implement ECUs and displays were tested. This Plugfest had 10 UT Server stations and 15 TC Server stations, and those stations were visited by 35 different implement Working Sets. As usual, the AEF also had stations for the AEF Conformance Test and the AEF Database. Three straight days of testing, up to 13 tests per day, 30 minutes per test … it certainly adds up to a lot of work, but it is well worth the effort to get the chance to test with so many pieces of equipment.
But testing is not the only activity that takes place during the week. Since representatives from around the world are in one location, the AEF uses the opportunity to have face-to-face time for five of the eleven project teams during the week in Lincoln. In addition to that, the AEF hosted another Conference Day to introduce equipment manufacturers and marketers to the AEF tools they can use to sell ISOBUS compatible equipment. And, as is customary, the week featured another fine Plugfest dinner on Wednesday, giving us all the opportunity to relax a bit with our industry colleagues.
DISTek was more involved with this Plugfest than any in the past. A total of six DISTek representatives visited Lincoln, three participated, and one of those participants hosted our first ever UT Server station. We found some bugs in our applications and we found some bugs in the applications of others … and that is what Plugfest is all about. Six of the implement ECUs at Plugfest were running a version of our VIRTEC ISOBUS library, and four other implement applications were ISOBUS products we have had a hand in developing. Our engineers participated in three of the AEF project team meetings and, of course, we attended all the social activities.
I encourage anyone in the Ag electronics industry to come join us at one of the next Plugfests. Your next opportunity will be in Stuttgart the week of October 16th. Stuttgart is an easy enough place to visit from the USA, either with a direct flight from Atlanta or a short jaunt from Frankfurt by plane, train, or automobile. But if Stuttgart is not in the cards for you, then at least pencil in next spring in Lincoln for the spring 2018 Plugfest. If you want an email reminder of the dates, then contact me and I will send you a calendar invitation as soon as the dates are finalized.