It’s not all work and no play around DISTek. Last Friday, we were fortunate enough to take advantage of one of the last hurrahs of summer and get out over the lunch hour to enjoy the beautiful weather. Our on-site team organized a lunchtime picnic-style grill out and all DISTekians in the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area were invited to attend and partake in team-building camaraderie and delicious food.
In typical fashion, VP of HR and DISTek Grill Master, Jeff Sandvold didn’t disappoint the hungry crowd and went above and beyond with his spread of grilled burgers, brats, and chicken. Plenty of chips, fruit, and cookies rounded out the meal and I can assure you that no one left the event hungry. This lunch served as not only a nice way to kick back and relax on a Friday afternoon (which is always a plus), but also allowed our Cedar Falls office team and onsite team a chance to interface and spend some quality time together. The conversations and laughter were aplenty and a fun time was had by all.
Special thanks to our onsite team for hosting this event, Jeff for manning the grill, and Angie for all the extra arrangements that went into making this team-building lunch a success. Kudos also go out to Nishantha for taking all these great pictures! We’re already looking forward to the next one!
Check out photos from the event below…