NI Days 2015 – Visit DISTek in Chicago


Designing an HiL test system, need to modernize your laboratory, or do you just dabble in LabVIEW in your spare time? Meet DISTek’s system designers and LabVIEW architects at NI Days Chicago October 15. DISTek engineers will be at booth 19 to answer any questions you may have, maybe even that tough engineering question that has been eluding you. Put them to the challenge and see what they can do for you.

LabVIEW with Mobile Devices

LabVIEW is a great fit for tablets

The growing use of mobile technology in people’s personal lives has started to influence how they want to approach their work. Individuals have immediate information at their fingertips and now are looking for the same immediate access in their work environment. Documents, e-mail messages, calendars and meeting reminders are already available, but how do users get real-time access to the applications being used around them? Some existing applications send out text messages and email, but just as personal mobile usage has moved beyond these simple communication methods so can the business world.

LabVIEW Issues When Upgrading From Windows XP To Windows 7

In April 2014 Microsoft will stop supporting Windows XP. Microsoft has developed a Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) to see if your current computer will be able to support the transition to Windows 7.

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Through experience and hard work, we’ve identified fixes to common issues moving LabVIEW to Windows 7. Some of the issues we have encountered during upgrades include getting administrative rights to the system and  accounting for the Windows 7 directory structure change where the files are located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\” instead of “C:\Program Files\” for non-native Windows 7 applications.

Additionally, issues may occur if your computer is part of a domain where certain Windows Services start up automatically on boot-up. If you run into a domain issue you may want to try the following:

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