DISTek has been offering engineering services in the Red River Valley for almost a decade now. During that time, we’ve seen our engineering team in Fargo grow from a single individual to a team of ten. We were definitely at capacity at our office up on the North side of Fargo, even having to go so far as putting a desk in the corner of our conference room to accommodate our team.
With our current staff and plans for future growth, we knew it was time to move locations. We solicited requests from those that work in the office daily and they all provided similar feedback with the sentiment of, “Let’s move downtown!” This was not surprising. Fargo regularly finds itself on lists of best places to live, and part of that is due to its thriving and growing walkable downtown full of culture, art, entertainment, dining options, shopping, and diverse businesses. It helps that many of us also live within a mile of the downtown area.
As an engineering services company, the quality of our engineering staff is our greatest asset. To offer high quality services we need to continue to acquire top talent. Among many benefits to our current staff, having a location in downtown Fargo will help with recruiting the best and brightest from Fargo and the surrounding areas.
We narrowed our choices to a few locations with very different looks and atmospheres. In the end, we went with the option that we felt best represented the environment we strive for here at DISTek. We found an office that is unique, creative, fun, inspiring, and with plenty of room for future growth.

The new home of DISTek in Fargo is located in suite 204 of the historic Ford building. Named for the company that built it, the building once housed both a factory and a showroom for Ford vehicles. The car-sized freight elevator is still there in the back of the building and it even still works!
DISTek is committed to serving the off-highway engineering needs of the region and we’ve decided to make the Ford building our home for at least the foreseeable future.