It was another great week of the Farm Progress Show this year. Just like in so many years past, the weather stayed hot and the booths stayed packed. This was not my first appearance at the Farm Progress Show for DISTek Integration and I doubt that it will be my last.
With the slowdown in the agricultural industry this past year, I was concerned that the Farm Progress Show would struggle as well. Boy was I wrong! It seemed that everyone with a golf cart in a 1000 mile radius was there. From the demo fields to the hot dog tents, no place was left unturned.
The past year did not discourage the manufacturer’s innovation or presence at the 2015 show. Software, technology, and usability all continued to grow and advance throughout the industry. Electronics and display screens were on any implement and self-propelled machinery that you could imagine and, of course, no one was to be out done by the other.
The show in Decatur definitely earned its name by showing that even through rough patches the industry still continues to progress. I was thoroughly impressed with the continued effort for innovation by every company and its consumers. As technology continues to grow and progress, I don’t doubt that this show will continue to keep growing. Everyone keep up the good work, and we will see you again next year in Boone, Iowa!