The 22nd Annual NI Week is slated to begin in Austin, Texas, on August 1st. NI Week provides the forum to bring together the brightest minds in engineering and science. More than 3,200 innovators representing a wide spectrum of industries, from automotive and telecommunications to robotics and energy will converge together to discover the latest technology to accelerate productivity for software-defined systems in test, measurement, and control. While DISTek regularly attends in various capacities, this year we will be making a new showing. Our very own Systems Engineer and LabVIEW expert, Ed Dickens, will be presenting on Wednesday, August 3rd from 4:45-5:45PM. His presentation is the result of National Instruments trying something new. This year, for the first time ever, there will be an advanced software topic track where all the presentation topics and content will be prepared and presented by various “LabVIEW Champions”.
The list of this year’s topics and presenters will include:
- ISO 9000 and LabVIEW – Steve Watts
- Project Templates, Making the Most of File>>New – Jeff Bohrer and Becky Linton
- XNodes – Treasures of Reuse in LabVIEW’s Attic – Brian Hoover
- The Right and Wrong Way to Use Settings in LabVIEW Classes – Casey Lamers
- Are Global Variables Truly Evil? – Tim
- Get your RegExercise – Text Processing in LabVIEW – Darin K.
- Going Agile: How Applying Agile SW Design Principles Changed My Designs and Code – Dmitry Sagstelyan
- Code Optimization and Benchmarking – Christian Altenbach and Ed Dickens
Ed has been with DISTek since 2001, where he specializes in LabVIEW development and test system designs. He has been a Certified LabVIEW Architect since 2007 and a LabVIEW Champion since 2005. Ed will be co-presenting with Christian Altenbach, Research Ophthalmologist at the UCLA Stein Eye Institute. Having 40 years of programming experience, Christian has focused exclusively on LabVIEW for the last 20 years, implementing highly optimized advanced algorithms with intuitive user interfaces. His LabVIEW based data analysis programs are used by researchers worldwide.
Their presentation on Code Optimization and Benchmarking will discuss some of the key concepts behind writing optimized LabVIEW code. To quantify ‘optimization’ it is first important to understand how to benchmark timing and memory usage. With these techniques understood, several examples will be shown, demonstrating concepts such as inplaceness, hidden costs of operations, parallelization, existing compiler optimizations, and the pitfalls of optimizing the implementation of the wrong algorithm.
If you are interested in learning more about NI Week 2016, please view the full conference content for details. If you don’t want to miss out on the ultimate learning environment that connects both novice and expert users for three days of interactive technical sessions and hands-on workshops, case study presentations, and panel discussions on the latest advancements in design, control, automation, manufacturing, and test, make plans to attend NI Week 2016 by registering now. Don’t forget to make arrangements to attend Ed’s presentation on Wednesday, August 3rd!