Here at DISTek, we have an internal newsletter that gets published monthly to keep our employee-owners up to date and informed. I’m probably a little partial since I publish it, but the information contained is well-rounded, informed, celebratory, and contains pieces that can’t be found anywhere else.
One of those items that you will only find in the, affectionately named, DISTek Journal, is the ‘Prez Sez’ article. ‘Prez Sez’ has been around for a long time and the tradition continues. Each month, I gently remind President/CEO Jeremy Yoder that ‘it’s that time again,’ and shortly thereafter he delivers his thoughts in written form to my inbox to be shared with all DISTekians. Sometimes the articles are business focused, sometimes they are ESOP related, and sometimes they are touching and personal. This past month, he delivered a personal story that resonated with everyone, could be applied to both your personal and professional life, and speaks volumes to the kind of character and human compassion that we strive for here at DISTek.
Without further ado, please enjoy ‘Prez Sez’ from Jeremy:
We often seek inspiration and wisdom from books, articles, or motivational speeches. But sometimes, life has a way of surprising us with unexpected words of wisdom when we least expect them. I wanted to share an experience that happened to me earlier this month, reminding me of the importance of keeping our eyes and ears open to the wisdom that life offers.
During a visit to the gym, I had finished my workout and entered the locker room where I noticed a member of the gym staff cleaning the bathroom while talking on the phone. Despite being engrossed in his task, it was evident that he was engaged in a meaningful conversation. I couldn’t help but overhear fragments of his dialogue, which revolved around two friends with divergent viewpoints.
As I continued changing, a particular phrase from his conversation struck me. He said, “if people just sat down across from each other, I think they would be surprised to find out the number of things they have in common.” As those words hung in the air, they resonated deeply with me. It was a simple yet profound statement that carried implications for how we should interact with others and the world around us.
In today’s increasingly polarized society, where differences seem to dominate the discourse, this staff member’s words serve as a gentle reminder of the power of empathy and understanding. Often, we tend to gravitate towards people who share our beliefs and opinions, creating echo chambers that reinforce our perspectives. However, when we step out of our comfort zones and engage in honest, open conversations with those who hold opposing viewpoints, we can discover common ground that we may have never imagined.
The gym staff member’s insight also highlights the significance of listening with an open mind and heart. In our fast-paced lives, we might overlook the hidden gems of wisdom scattered throughout our daily encounters. Whether it’s the janitor cleaning the restroom, a barista serving our coffee, or a colleague we pass in the hallway, everyone has a story to tell and valuable lessons to share. All we need to do is pause, listen, and embrace these moments of unexpected wisdom.
Wishing you all an enriching and inspiring experience at the gym, or somewhere else that you least expect it!

Very inspiring and insightfull note. Empathy and understanding have been always strength of Distek and it’s Leadership to the inside and to the outside. Great to see how this continues. All the Best for the Distekians, Juergen