30 years ago DISTek founder Matt Dickinson took a leap of faith and stepped away from his Monday – Friday job at a company in the St Louis, Missouri area and started a consulting business from his basement. It is those humble beginnings that would lead to the formation of DISTek and pave the way for what it is today.

On the anniversary of our 30th year, DISTek has grown to encompass approximately 130+ employees, four brick and mortar offices, and is flourishing as an ESOP company. Today, we celebrate the efforts of Matt Dickinson, as well as all employees, both past and present, that have played a vital role in the longevity and continued success that has allowed DISTek to stand the test of time. Please join me in celebrating our accomplishments, not only today, but everyday, as we continue to move forward and build upon the successful foundation that we have all come to know and love. Cheers to 30 years and I am equally as excited to see where the next 30 will take us!